How to create a file uploader page (Dropbox, Google Drive, Onedrive)

There are many ways to insert a file uploader in your App.
The best way is to insert an uploader to your dropbox, google drive or onedrive account.

For example for dropbox, follow these instructions:
1) Go to and register for a free account.
DROPitTOme to create a personalized URL in which you or other people can upload files directly to your Dropbox.
You get to set a password to this URL, and only people who know it may access the uploading section.
Your dropittome personal url would be something like this:

2) Add "Link" module/functionality to your App.

3) Copy and paste your dropitome url here.

The files are uploaded to My Dropbox/DROPitTOme and that’s it. You can’t create folders or organize it in any way.

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