

The Calendar feature will enable you to share with your users the place and date of your events...


Thanks to this feature you will be able to lock your app wholly or partly. The locked content...

 Padlock Pro

This module allows app owners to lock pages or group of pages based on different user roles....


The Folders feature allows to create an arborescence inside your app. ​   The creation of a...


This features allows you to create Product pages. Little warning: if you have menus, don’t...

 Citas Interactivas

Gracias a este módulo, los usuarios de la app van a poder solicitar o programar una cita contigo...

 Social Gaming

With the Social Gaming feature, business owners will be able to increase the puchasing...

 QR Coupons

This feature will allow you to create discount coupons that will be unlocked by scanning a...


With the discount feature you’ll be able to create as many discounts as you want and display...


This feature enables you to offer a weather widget in your app to display the forecasts for a...


The Surveys feature allows you to create complete surveys in order to collect information and...


The Links page allows you to share information linked to your business with your clients. If...

 Internal links / in app links

This functionality allows you to create links to a feature in your app from another feature....

 Fan Wall

With the Fan Wall feature, users of your application will be able to post comments and/or...


The form feature allows you to do plenty of things like giving your clients the opportunity to...

 RSS Feeds

This feature allows you to integrate feeds from blogs or news websites either from the business...

 Image Galleries

This feature allows you to create image galleries. You’ve got three options: Create a...

 In App Messages

The In App Messages feature allows you to display a message to users that are currently using...

 Integrate Ads in the app with AdMob

1. Create an adwords account To login to AdMob you need an Adwords Google account. Create one...

 QR Code Scan

This feature will allow your customers to use their camera to flash a QR Code and to access...


With this feature , you will be able to create a list of geolocated places. It will display all...


With the Commerce feature you will be able to sell your products from one or several points of...


Here is the feature for creating menus or bundles for a business. You’ll be able to create as...

 Offline Mode

The Offline Mode is not really a feature, but it allows your users to download the contents of...

 News Page

This feature allows you to create a news page with a photo and comments from users. It works like...

 Push Notifications (send to all users)

Once your application is featured on the App Store and Google Play, you’ll be able to send push...

 Push Notifications (send to specific users)

With QuieroApps Neutrino, you will be able to send Push Notifications to a specific users.How it...

 Topics and Notifications

This feature allows you to create Topics your users can subscribe to, in order for you to send...

 Geolocated Push Notification

From the first step of creating push notification, after having wrote your message, just choose...

 Contact Page

This feature allows you to create a contact page for your business. Just complete the fields to...

 Página de Facebook

Vamos a ver cómo usar la funcionalidad de Facebook para integrar tu página de fan de Facebook...

 Custom Page

QuieroApps offers you a wide choice of features to put your products and activity forward. Custom...


With the “Radio” feature you can add a radio streaming inside your app. It’s very simple to set...


Thanks to this feature, your customers can schedule an appointment at your business(es). If you...

 Loyalty card

With the Loyalty feature you’ll be able to create a loyalty’s punch or stamp card. It means there...

 Scratch Card

With the Scratch Card feature you can offer your users a chance to win rewards and give them a...


With this feature you will be able to launch a “Uber-like service” with your app. To use this...


With this feature, you will be able to create a list of job offers. To use “Job” click on  in...


With QuieroApps you’ll be able to integrate videos from Youtube, Podcast and Vimeo. If you want...


This feature will allow you to integrate natively your WooCommerce store in your application. It...


WordPress feature allows you to integrate the content of a WordPress blog or website in an...